This week, I need to start with a poll because the cast is arguing about something and we need your opinions! Then I’ll tell you a secret. But first our the poll.
Some characters have strong opinions about what format to put the Rogue Gods Trilogy in. And we’ve reached the point where we have to make decisions about that because the different formats need different formatting. But we can’t format them if we don’t know what formats to format for.
Okay, I’ll stop. I was having a little too much fun with words. Would you break the deadlock by casting your vote?
The last option is not a typo. A certain character thinks there are readers out there who want to get copies of all three books in the trilogy in both paperback and hardcover. I think that’s a little crazy, but I also chase dragons through dark tunnels with just a glowing rock to light my way so what do I know?
Last week, at the end of the email, I said:
“I may have already found a way to get more page time and to get those scenes into your hands before Robin gets her next books in front of you.”
I said that in this email:
Well, that backfired pretty spectacularly
Who am I? I’m Ran, Sarn’s son from the Curse Breaker series.
But the plot thickens! It turns out Robin’s plan isn’t just to get more page time. What else does she want?
She wants to publish the first book of 2024! And she’s winning too. How did this happen?
Buckle up, dear readers, because we’re in for a bumpy ride. So what happened?
Well, as you may have already guessed, Robin’s 4th book is done. It was actually done last week, but she let me think it wasn’t.
That does explain how she talked Melinda into starting her 5th book. Melinda doesn’t like to write books out of order, and she fights hard against that. I thought maybe the bad cold or the cold medicine got Melinda all mixed up so she forgot which book she was supposed to be writing.
But that’s not the case. So I feel a little better about that. I didn’t want my Scribe to start skipping around and writing things out of order because we can’t publish books like that. They need to be in order.
But I digress as I do once per email. Now back to Robin’s plan. So her 4th book, Rogue Rescue, is done and now undergoing editing and formatting. Do you know what the next step is?
If you guessed assigning a publish date, then you’d be correct. And do you know what date is looming on the horizon? It’s a day we often publish books.
What day is that? Our scribe’s birthday, March 10. It’s about a month away, and look at that! Melinda has a finished book sitting on her PC.
Do you see Robin’s plan now? Her 3rd book, Rogue Ranger, published on Feb 15, 2023. So she put her 4th book, Rogue Rescue, on preorder. It publishes on March 10, 2024—on our Scribe’s birthday! The nerve of her.
So now this book comes out on March 10, 2024:
Preorder it now. If you’re new to the series, start with book 1, Hunter’s Night.
I can’t let her win even though I am in her 4th book. But I’m just a baby, so all I say is, hi. And I say it a lot with all the excitement I can pack into that one word.
(Papa is in the book too, and he works a lot of magic. He asked me to tell you that he hates cliffhangers, and Robin’s series had too many of them, so her 4th book doesn’t have one. It has a twisty, multi-chapter denouement full of all the shenanigans you expect from him when he’s supposed to report to his superiors to explain things and he doesn’t want to.)
Papa said you’ll know what means. I’m supposed to tell you that if you loved the way Curse Breaker Enchanted ended, then that’s what he means. Rogue Rescue ends like that with as many loose ends as tied up as possible.
Now you know why most Curse Breaker books have no cliffhanger ending. A few do because we do things that require them, but Papa hates it when that happens. So he doesn’t let us do that very often.
Sorry for that digression. And now back to my plan because you know I have one. I can’t let Robin beat me to the publisher.
In November, we ran a Kickstarter for a Curse Breaker book called Stars & Angels Sing. And it starred me. I had a lot of scenes and I said a lot more than hi. Melinda was reluctant to publish it widely, but I can’t let Robin can’t beat me. Her book can’t be the first one we publish this year. That’s unacceptable.
So I did something about it.
I put Stars & Angels Sing on preorder, and it comes out on Feb. 22, 2024, on the 10th anniversary of the death of Melinda’s sister. Thanksgiving and Christmas were her favorite holidays, so this is a fitting tribute to her. So I’m not just doing this to beat Robin, and if Melinda asks, I will deny that was ever my goal.
The retail version will not be signed and the ebook will not have images. We might be able to get the paperback with images up on Amazon. I sent the files, but I didn’t get answer yet if they were accepted. So more on that next week.
The Rogue Gods Trilogy is still coming before the summer. Melinda is writing that now, and I have plans for the third book in the trilogy. But I can’t tell you about them yet because Robin is still out there, and she’s plotting things too. I just hope she’s not plotting the same things I am.
So save some space on your TBR for us. Our epic grudge match is producing new books. More on that next week.
New Podcast Episodes & Videos
Listen on our podcast. Watch on YouTube.
Melinda was feeling better this week, so our podcast returned with special guests Kristin Ward and our author friend, Hannah Steenbock!
Fantasy, Lore, & More: Sky Falls with Hannah Steenbock
Fantasy, Lore, & More: Dark Is The Wood with Kristin Ward
New Releases, Sales, & Other Book Stuff
Publishes Feb. 22, 2024:
A family searches for the true meaning of Christmas, then must save it in an epic fantasy adventure told through poems. Order your copy now.
Publishes on Mar. 10, 2024:
The hunters become the hunted in book 4 of the Robin of Larkspur series when they’re trapped in a spell. Preorder it now.
Follow the Rogue Gods Kickstarter Campaign to get notified when the trilogy launches so you can get your hands on them. Because she’s coming to a timeline near you, and your life may never be the same afterward.
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