Well, that backfired pretty spectacularly
Last week was an emotional rollercoaster! Let me take you behind the scenes and tell you want happened. But first, this is Ran, Sarn’s son from the Curse Breaker series.
We’re one month into the new year, and already my brilliant plan that I talked about in other newsletters backfired pretty spectacularly. What was that plan?
As you probably know by now, I only exist when you read my stories. That’s the harsh reality of being a fictional character and why this newsletter is kind of fictional but not. I’ll get to that in a bit.
You might also know that my story only moves forward in time when a new book releases. Until then, I repeat the stories that are already out there. So every year, I make it my personal mission to get as much page time as I can and as many new books as possible.
Since you want new books too, we’re allies on this quest. Is this all sounding familiar?
Great! So, what was my plan?
That was my plan. I want my Scribe, Melinda Kucsera, to write lots of stories about me this year.
And I was kind of succeeding. Melinda released her list of books to write this year and I’m in all of them somewhere. If you forgot, these are the books in her to be written & published list:
Gateway to Hell (Rogue Gods #1) - 100% written ← Demons invade after an ex-god steals a powerful spell from a fortress in Hell.
Summon the Gods (Rogue Gods #2) - 90% written ← A rogue goddess tries to destroy all the timelines, including mine!
Storm the Gates (Rogue Gods #3) - 0% written ←We’re storming the gates of Heaven! And there will be dragons! We’ll probably save someone too.
Rogue Rescue (Robin of Larkspur #4) - 90% complete? ← Robin saves her daughter but gets caught in a rogue goddess’ plan to destroy time.
Rogue Gift (Robin of Larkspur #5) - 20% complete ← Robin finds out why you don’t mess with the Commander of the Rangers.
Chasing Dragons (Curse Breaker #11) - 50% complete ← We chase dragons like the title says while an ex-goddess of vengeance puts Papa on trial.
Curse Breaker Jousts (Curse Breaker #12) - 50% complete ← We go to that joust mentioned in Curse Breaker Enchanted, finally, but so do a pack of feral monsters.
Do you see the problem? There’s 5 books in front of mine! Granted, 3 are either completed or almost complete. But that wasn’t the case on January 1 when the original lineup published in this very newsletter.
I searched high and low for an explanation, and do you know what I found out? Sit down and let me tell you which character changed the list and how they did it.
This past week, a cold or flu hit Melinda like a wrecking ball and knocked her down. Since she was home, not at work, and feeling awful, I suggested that she write for a while to get her mind off things. But I assumed she work on my books.
In fact, I even opened the document and scrolled down to the chapter she needed to finish. Aren’t I such a nice character?
Then I left her alone to write. I planned to check in and see what she wrote later after a well-deserved snack and a nap. It’s hard being a fictional character, and adventuring is hungry work.
I might have gotten sidetracked when my buddy Furball teleported over to hang out. He has this habit of appearing really high in the air and falling. He says the ground is never in the same place when he teleports, but I don’t know about that. He likes when people make a fuss over him, so he might deliberately teleport somewhere he knows someone will catch him.
Since I’m a good friend, I run really fast to catch him, and then we caught up as friends do. Maybe we also played a few games. But I wasn’t gone that long. That’s my point.
But I was gone long enough for Robin to slip in and convince the Scribe to write the opening chapters of her 5th book. But her 4th one wasn’t even finished yet.
Do you know how she accomplished that? She said something like, “writing is hard when you’re sick. Why don’t you just find all the scenes you already wrote about the events that will be Rogue Gift and put them together for when you’re feeling better?”
Melinda obviously said yes and spent hours doing that. But then she went and wrote the opening chapters for book 5!
I know you’ve been waiting for that book since 2019, but I’m still jealous. Or I was anyway until I overheard that Rogue Gift will most likely be the final book in the Robin of Larkspur series because it ends the prequel story.
Robin will go on to have other adventures without me and Papa in the future, but not until I get some more books. Since I don’t trust her to end the prequel story in Rogue Gift, I’m announcing that it will end in that book in this newsletter. So now you’re a witness.
Robin might be angry, but she can’t really retaliate because I come with a magical Papa who has strong shields, and she wouldn’t dare take him on. But she could sideline me in her 5th book.
(Ran from the future here. Melinda read this before it went out, and she says that Robin and her friends will definitely have a sequel trilogy because Robin is named Robin of Larkspur a reason.
If that sounds kind of like Robin of Locksley, then you might know what kind of story will be in that trilogy. Of course, I can neither confirm nor deny any ideas you have since there’s currently no outline for this trilogy. But since when did we let a little thing like that stand the way of a fun adventure?)
So that’s where matters stand. But I won’t take this standing up or sitting down or lying down even!
When I found out what happened, I swung into action. I may have already found a way to get more page time and to get those scenes into your hands before Robin gets her next books in front of you. But I’ll have to tell you that next week because I’m still scheming, and I don’t want Robin to know. If she finds out about my new plan, she might try to counter it, and we can’t have that, now can we?
Okay, that’s it for this week. Next week, I’ll have an update on my new plan and maybe a secret to spill. See you then!
New Podcast Episodes & Videos
Listen on our podcast. Watch on YouTube.
Melinda was sick this week, and our guests were kind enough to reschedule. So this week, enjoy hearing other people interview the scribe! Both episodes were recorded long before the scribe got sick.
Melinda Kucsera, Robin of Larkspur, and The Old House (part 2 of her interview with Freya’s Fairy Tales podcast.)
An Enchanting Interview - Author Melinda Kucsera - The Stories Told Podcast
There’s a short bonus discussion about the worldbuilding in Curse Breaker Enchanted that didn’t make it into this episode, but you can listen to for FREE for this week only on our Patreon.
New Releases, Sales, & Other Book Stuff
Follow the Rogue Gods Kickstarter Campaign to get notified when the trilogy launches so you can get your hands on them. Because she’s coming to a timeline near you, and your life may never be the same afterward.
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