Want a Solstice Giveaway and some gold bling?
We don't usually drop on on a weekday, but we're participating in a big giveaway, the Solstice Free Fantasy & Sci-fi giveaway.
So here we are, coming to tell you about it and also to ask a question. We’ll talk about the giveaway after we give you an update about the Rogue Gods Trilogy.
You can download Curse Breaker Enchanted and His Angelic Keeper #1 for free today. Unfortunately, Amazon would not make either book for free in every store for every country, so please download your free copy from our store or the bookfunnel link on our site.
And now, onward to our update! A while ago, we asked what formats you wanted for the Rogue Gods Trilogy. But we've run into some logistical problems.
The Rogue Gods Trilogy is larger than we thought it would be. Poor Melinda thought it would be a standalone book. That obviously didn't happen since we've been talking about it as a trilogy.
But the third book turned into a double header like Curse Breaker Enchanted, so you get two full adventures in one book that require four epilogues to tie up the loose ends.
(I'm still trying to make it five, but the scribe isn't listening to me. She says my epilogue is half of the next Curse Breaker book, Chasing Dragons. This is Ran, as usual, the son of the Curse Breaker.)
Way back we ran a poll and there was interest in a hardcover omnibus. Even if we remove the all the art and make the font and the line spacing as small as possible, we still can’t fit all three books in one volume. Printers have maximum page counts and the omnibus exceeds it.
The art is so pretty that we don’t want to remove it.
(Those numbers are just for book 1! Book 2 has more art, and book 3 will have even more since it’s a lot longer.)
So we can’t offer that at this time. If we can get 300+ orders, we can look into doing a print run. For some reason, you can have larger page counts if you do a print run than if you do print on demand. So for now, there will not be a single volume hardcover edition due to the logistical issues and the characters getting overly enthusiastic and thus requiring more pages for their adventures.
However, we could do hardcover books for each individual book in the trilogy instead, so we can keep all the art and formatting. But it'll be more expensive than the paperbacks because printers charge more to print and bind them since there's extra steps involved.
If you're an ebook only reader, you can skip the poll. The ebooks will be illustrated and have the exact same content as the fancy paperbacks including the signature.
We're going to also include a plain ebook version, so you’ll get two versions that you can read however you like.
And that brings me to my question about physical books.
It's a nerve-wracking to ask about hardcovers because we have spent over a $100 on proofs and months of going back and forth with the printer to get where were are today with perfect paperback copies of books 1 & 2 of the Rogue Gods Trilogy.
Here’s what the gold foil looks like on the cover of Gateway to Hell:
But if you really want hardcover versions, we’ll work on that.
We've figured out how to get around everything except operator error. That's one problem we can't solve since we can't stand there and look over the operator's shoulder while they are printing our books.
We’ll be back in a few days with another update!
Don’t forget to follow the Kickstarter, so you know when it launches. Rosalie is on the left. Guerren is on the right.
This chaotic trio will either save the timeline and the world or destroy both. Only one of them will have fun doing it. You can guess which one. I might have fun helping them.
New Releases, Sales, & Other Book Stuff
Are you ready for it? The Solstice Day Book Blast has over 200+ no-cost Fantasy & Sci-fi books for you to enjoy.
We’ve got a great spread of genres from Fantasy, Fantasy Romance, Science Fiction, Sci-fi Romance, Urban Fantasy, and Paranormal Romance.
Grand Masters' Trilogy: Foiled Hardback with Interior Art
Galactic Romantasy: Empath Violet seeks the mysterious Grand Masters, meets dragons and weird aliens, and forges a forbidden love.
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