Thank You, Author Drama, and Characters Plot
Thank you so much to everyone who backed the Rogue Gods illustrated trilogy Kickstarter!
It ended on Friday, and now we need to finalize the stretch rewards because there were a lot of them that got unlocked. Then we can order new proofs to check that everything is okay for the physical copies of the trilogy.
If you missed it, you can still order copies for another few weeks while Melinda gets the stretch goals completed for each book and waits for new proofs to make sure the new sections and new art added to each book look great.
It’s a new thing Kickstarter is offering, so we set up a few options and they are live now. All except one option includes all the unlocked stretch goals, and that option is marked. So if you missed the Kickstarter, you can still order a copy of the illustrated trilogy through this late pledge thing in every format.
Before we leave Kickstarter and talk about other things, someone asked if Melinda would do illustrated versions of other series. Since the Rogue Gods Trilogy kickstarter went really well, it’s definitely a possibility.
Which series would you want illustrated versions of?
I don’t know when we could do this. So this is not something that would happen immediately since Melinda has a full-time job that cuts into her writing time.
But if you want it, we’ll figure out how to make it happen. We’d need to deliver all the rewards for the Rogue Gods Trilogy first before we could start this. But we were looking for ideas for what to do to celebrate the 10th anniversary of Curse Breaker Enchanted and the Curse Breaker series as a whole, so perhaps we illustrate it.
Oh no, Melinda just ran away from the PC and hid in a corner. Don’t worry. She’s just a bit overwhelmed by the idea of illustrating such a long series. But we could just do one trilogy at a time. Surely, that’s not too daunting? Right?
That’s all great but what is Melinda writing now?
You may have noticed we didn’t talk about that during the kickstarter, and it wasn’t because Melinda took a holiday and stopped writing during that time. We don’t allow her to take any time off from writing.
I know that sounds mean, but I’m a fictional character, and I only exist when two things happen:
Melinda writes new books that feature me!
Or you read my story!
I prefer when both things happen at the same time, but I can only control my Scribe. So you can see why it’s super important for her to keep writing no matter what. It’s a matter of survival.
Who am I? You probably know by now, but I’m Ran, Sarn’s son from the Curse Breaker series.
I might be a harsh taskmaster when it comes to my scribe. But you can’t read my stories if Melinda doesn’t write them. So she’s got to do that, right? Right?
Thankfully, Melinda likes to write, and we’ve learned ways to keep her writing. (She likes not knowing what will happen. For that reason, we don’t follow any outlines she creates.) So Melinda has been writing the whole time the Kickstarter was running.
What did she write?
Rogue Gift, book 5 of the Robin of Larkspur series, and Chasing Dragons, book 11 of the Curse Breaker series!
Rogue Gift will hopefully be the last book in the Robin of Larkspur prequel series, and it will launch Robin onto her own adventures away from Mount Eredren. That’s the plan, and Robin had better stick to that.
You can read Rogue Gift as Melinda writes it on Patreon. All the tiers have access, and all tiers get a copy when it’s done.
Maybe you can keep Robin on task. Right now, she’s investigating the oubliette under Mount Eredren.
You know who she’ll meet down there if you’ve read Curse Breaker Darkens. Should she be down there looking around?
I don’t know, but she runs into some curious OwlCats, so if you need some more telepathic snark and teleporting fur babies in a twisty mystery, this might be the book for you.
Chasing Dragons is the sequel to Shards For His Gift and they are kind of a duology since Chasing Dragons wraps up the dangling ends from Shards From His Gift.
Did Melinda really work on both books?
I see you giving me skeptical looks. Melinda worked more on Rogue Gift than Chasing Dragons because she was mad that the Rogue Gods Trilogy interrupted her plans to finish Robin’s prequel series last year. So that’s priority number one for her.
But my top priority differs a bit as you might expect. I want her to write only Curse Breaker books, and I’ve been thinking about ways to get her back to working on my books. But I don’t have anything to share about that yet.
So I’ll tell you more on that when I have a plan. Right now, I’m just plotting my next move.
Until then, have an awesome week and thank you again for being part of this wild fantasy adventure we set out on almost 10 years ago! We couldn’t do this without you.
New Podcast Episodes & Videos
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This week, two authors joined us to talk about their books! And Melinda had to cut one of the interviews into two episodes because the conversation wandered away from books and onto the recent shakeup in the indie author world. So you get three episodes this week!
Fantasy, Lore, & More: Lightning & Ember
Fantasy, Lore, & More: Modern Day Muses
Fantasy, Lore, & More: Indie Author Drama
There was some drama in indie authorlandia, and Melinda obviously had to talk about that. So she excerpted the part of the interview with L.L. Nelson where they talked about what happened with Ream, a subscriptions for authors platform, and made it a separate episode. Here’s the part of their chat about author drama uncut with a short introduction.
New Releases, Sales, & Other Book Stuff
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