A herd of magical elephants walked in and...
Your favorite character had a really big problem. Details inside!
It's Ran, Sarn's son from the Curse Breaker series, and I'm writing to you from Character Jail again. But this time, I'm hiding from a herd of angry magical elephants. That’s right, and I’m not exaggerating. I wish I was, though!
If you've read the His Angelic Keeper series, then you know who these smoke-generating creatures are. Why am I hiding from them?
Well, there's the obvious reason. I don't want to get trampled. I'm small and cute and easily stomped under foot when my magical papa isn't around to throw a shield over me.
And you're probably wondering why he isn't here to protect me. After all, that's his job in life. So why isn't he doing it?
Because he can't get to me. I'm kind of surrounded right now, and I don't know if he knows what to do about the situation. We don't have any elephants in our country, so we've never seen them before.
And you're probably wondering what this has to do with Kickstarter.
I promise I'll get to that. This does relate directly to it. I swear! And I wouldn't lie because Papa taught me to always tell the truth or say nothing at all if you don't want anyone to know the truth.
Actually, I'm not sure he meant to teach me that last part. So don't tell him, okay?
But I digress. Back to the memory-eating elephant issue.
Why is a herd of those elephant creatures surrounding me?
I might have said something to upset them. They're kind of touchy.
But I was only trying to help. Let me tell this tale from the beginning.
I was minding my own business and begging for more page time as I do everyday when I heard thunder cracks that shook the floor. Since the sun streamed down in golden glory outside, I knew something magical was happening, and I might have headed for the sound when it changed to shouting.
But I wasn’t prepared for what I found.
Four dragons glared at the herd of magical elephants that surrounded them. This isn’t something I ever thought I’d see, and at first, I didn’t know what to do. But my mouth is connected to my curiosity, so I might have asked what’s going on?
But they ignored me because they were having too much fun arguing. I tried shouting a few more questions, but no one could hear me over the shouting. I stop trying to get a word in when Auntie Sovvan appeared behind me and swept me up in a tight hug.
“What are they arguing about?” I asked after I returned the hug.
“Who should be on the cover of His Angelic Keeper Books 1-3. You see, there’s more memory-eating elephants in the three books in that omnibus than dragons, so they want to be on the cover.” Auntie Sovvvan strode away from the argument while still hugging me. Papa probably put her up to that. He was overprotective like that.
I struggled. “I want to watch the argument not go to some safe place until it’s over, and I know that's where you're trying to take me. But that’s boring.”
“It won't be boring for long.”
“Why not?”
“Eventually they'll realize they can argue all they want but neither of them can decide what goes on the cover.”
“Because only our Scribe can put things on the cover.” I stopped struggling because that's where we're headed next: to the Scribe. And I didn’t ask for more page time today, so that worked for me.
“Exactly.” Auntie Sovvan nodded and kept walking through the foggy plain.
And this is where I made a big mistake. I should have kept my mouth shut, but I didn’t because I have to comment on everything. It’s a compulsion. So it’s not really my fault what happened next.
“And she’ll just put a dragon on the cover because readers like dragons,” I said as I rested my head on my aunt’s shoulder.
I didn’t see every head in the herd turn at my comment. I didn’t see the four dragons spit fireballs into the air. I didn’t see the dragons and elephants exchange a glance, then run after us. But I imagine that’s what happened based on what happened next.
What happened next?
Well, I’m not really sure. It’s all kind of a blur. But I ended up clinging to the back of a memory-eating elephant while my aunt flew away in the clutches of an angry red dragon. The dragon said they needed to talk. I don’t know what about, but I can guess.
And that’s really how I ended up in Character Jail. A herd of memory-eating elephants dropped me off, so I couldn’t interfere in their business with the Scribe.
So now you know why we’re having some trouble with the cover for His Angelic Keeper Books 1-3 Omnibus.
The dragons want a dragon on it. The memory-eaters want an elephant on it. Everyone agrees a woman should be on it since the main character is my aunt, but no one agrees on whether that woman should actually be my aunt.
But what do you want on it? An elephant or a dragon? Or both?
This curious character wants to know, so I made a poll!
And that’s what it has to do with Kickstarter. We can’t offer it as a reward without a cover, so we need to solve this problem soon. And here you thought you were in for borning emails.
As if I would ever do that to you. I pop into your inbox once a week to entertain you, and our upcoming Kickstarter campaign won’t change that. If anything, it’s inspiring us to new levels of mayhem!
For your enjoyment of course. Everything we do is for you.
Since the elephants and dragons took over this week’s newsletter, we’ll talk more about the Kickstarter next week. Don’t forget to go to our campaign and click the Notify me on launch button, so you know when our crazy campaign of magical mayhem goes live:
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Fantasy, Lore, and More: The Crystal Pawn
Fantasy, Lore, and More: Embrace of the Shade
Fantasy, Lore, and More: A Breaking of Realms
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