I hope you’re excited because I can finally talk about the Rogue Gods Trilogy! And I have so much to say about it. First off, the trilogy includes the following books:
Gateway to Hell (Rogue Gods #1)
Summon the Gods (Rogue Gods #2)
Storm the Gates (Rogue Gods #3)
Melinda is currently writing Storm the Gates (Rogue Gods #3) and there are 20 chapters so far! So we might be halfway through that adventure.
Why is it called the Rogue Gods Trilogy?
Because there are some ex-gods from a fallen pantheon that got bored and started some trouble for mere mortals like myself, and then things snowballed like they do when you involve others in your quest to rule the world. Who am I?
I’m Ran, the son of the Curse Breaker in the Curse Breaker series, and I might be the only proper mage in the Rogue Gods Trilogy unless a character we’ll talk about soon counts. I’m not sure he does and not just because I like being the only mage the heroes have access to because then I get to dole out spells to the deserving.
But Papa raised me right. If the spell they want is harmful or I don’t think it’s a good idea to give them that spell, then nothing they say will convince me to hand it over. I have standards and my dad’s good name to uphold.
But I’m not the only character with magic. I think every character in the trilogy has magic, but the others can do a few things with their magic. But I can do pretty much anything I want with mine as you’d expect.
If you’ve read the Curse Breaker series, then you know my dad can do a lot of things with his magic. So of course, I can too! But we don’t have the same kind of magic. I won’t spoil things and tell you about my magic. You’ll have to read the Rogue Gods Trilogy to find out.
As the trilogy’s title implies, there’s more than one ex-god that gets into trouble. When you’ve lived for thousands of years you run out of things to do, you might look back on the days when your pantheon ruled the world as the best days of your life. After all, who doesn’t like power?
And you got so much power from the mortals who worshipped you back then. No one worships you now, so you’re a pale imitation of what you once were.
So you start wondering, what if you could bring those days back?
The more you think about it, the more it seems like a fantastic idea. If you bring back the days of your glory, then you wouldn’t have to languish in a world ruled by mortals anymore. You could rule them again. Who could you recruit to help you?
You remember you have a cousin who used to be a war god. You don’t know where he ended up when your pantheon fell thousands of years ago. But you’re an ex-time god who can teleport wherever you want, so you make him your destination and let fate decide if you’ll find him or not.
When the light from your teleportation spell fades, you’re in a library. It’s not where you thought you’d appear, but there’s your cousin, glaring at you from across the aisle formed by two shelves stuffed with books and scrolls.
This is Ran again, breaking into the story so far to point out that the ebooks and paperbacks for the Rogue Gods Trilogy will have full color character art for every chapter heading and there will be some full page black and white images of the characters too.
The one shown above is of Guerren, the ex-god of war.
Not every chapter will have the full page art because there are 47 chapters in Gateway to Hell and the formatting gets tricky with that many images. But we’ll put as many as we can in each book.
You’ll meet him next week. He’s the main character for book 1, Gateway to Hell. But you aren’t just in his head. There are 3 other point of view characters in Gateway to Hell.
I know what you’re thinking. If he’s the war god, then who’s the time god we just spend part of the newsletter with?
I promise to tell you in an upcoming newsletter. For now, we’ll leave him and pick up with Guerren next week because he’s got quite the story to tell!
Don’t forget to follow the Kickstarter, so you know when it launches. Guerren is on the right. You’ll meet the other two characters in an upcoming newsletter!
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