The Rogue Gods Trilogy is LIVE on Kickstarter!
Well, the day we’ve been waiting for is here. I'm excited to announce that the epic fantasy trilogy, Rogue Gods, is now live on Kickstarter!
This action-packed trilogy follows an ex-war god, a determined woman, and a fallen angel librarian as they battle demons, mad goddesses, and collapsing timelines. With heists, humor, and high stakes, these books are perfect for fantasy fans looking for their next adventure.
The campaign is already funded, but there are still plenty of awesome rewards available, including:
- Signed paperbacks and hardcovers with gorgeous illustrations
- eBooks with illustrations
- Add-ons from my other fantasy series
Check out the campaign and back it now to get your copies of this epic trilogy!
Thank you for your support!
This is Ran, Sarn’s son from the Curse Breaker series, and I may have a vested interest in this because of this:
That’s me! Do I make Papa proud of me? Find out in the Rogue Gods Trilogy.
And now, onto book news!
The formatting is finished and we ordered proof copies of:
Storm the Gates in paperback
Gateway to Hell in hardcover
Summon the Gods in hardcover
Storm the Gates in hardcover
The proofs won’t arrive until the middle of July, so we just have mock-ups of what they will look like with the gold foil until then. Storm the Gates is getting edited right now, so we should be ready to send the books by the first of August unless we need another round of proofs.
But we shouldn’t need that. Only the first book went through multiple rounds as we learned how to set up the files the way this new printer wanted. It was quite a learning curve. But we didn’t need a second round of proofs for the paperback copy of Summon the Gods, so we shouldn’t need to do two rounds for Storm the Gates either.
The hardcovers, we’re pretty sure are correct since we have done one other hardcover book with them. So we knew our way around that template. But still, all the fingers and toes are crossed!
And now the big question, why use Kickstarter to launch a new trilogy?
Before I answer that, I’m Ran, Sarn’s son from the Curse Breaker series, writing on behalf of my scribe, Melinda. She’s out cold from working non-stop to finish Storm the Gates while still working full-time for her job and attending family events and she got sick from working so hard too.
But don’t worry. The cast is taking care of her. I’m not she likes the care we give her because we do expect her to write some words per day about us, and those words should be complimentary, of course. After all, we’re taking care of her. :) So that’s not too much to ask, is it?
Melinda deserves a round of applause, but she passed out from exhaustion. Maybe we don’t clap right now so we don’t wake her up. I want more page time, but I can be good and wait until she wakes up. Really, I can.
Quick! Let’s talk about something else before the temptation to wake her gets the better of me.
So why Kickstarter? Well, for one reason, we can’t sell or distribute the illustrated versions of this trilogy through Amazon or other places because the only printer who can print these pretty editions does not work with Amazon or Barnes & Noble or any bookstore.
They prefer to work directly with authors. So we need some way of taking orders. That’s where Kickstarter comes in. They let us do a presale to see if there’s interest, and the Kickstarter is a platform built to test ideas and see if there’s a market for them in a no-risk way.
So that’s why kickstarter. Because sometimes we want to do things that retailers won’t let us do, like gold foil, adding lots of pictures, and having different art on the dust jacket and under it and the people we work with to make them a reality don’t work with retailers.
As an independent author, my scribe doesn't have a lot of choices about vendors to work with, so we do our best with the companies that will work with us. And these books are so pretty. ♥️
Head on over to our kickstarter and get some pretty books that contain the wildest adventure so far!
The illustrated editions will NOT be sold in stores because they can’t be. So the kickstarter is the only place to get them. Go reserve your copy now on Kickstarter.
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