This is Ran, Sarn’s son from the Curse Breaker series and his sidekick, and I’m back with an update.
Actually, I’m not back because Melinda is yanking control of the keyboard away from me. But that’s okay because through the magic of voice typing, I can still write to you. So there, Scribe, take that!
You think you can take this newsletter from me? Well, you can’t.
I’m sorry you had to witness that. We try to keep all the action inside our books, but sometimes it spills out. What did my faithful Scribe want to say?
Why do you want to know that?
Oh, you think I’m in trouble again and that she’s about to tell you what I did. Is that why you think I silenced her?
Actually, silenced is a strong wrong, and it sounds really damning like I did something besides unplugging the keyboard so she can’t type anything in this newsletter.
(Yes, that’s all I did. I swear! Melinda is alive and well and glaring at me in that way authors do when they’re thinking about how they’ll make characters regret their decisions. Maybe I should let her take over.)
And because I know you were wondering, yes, I am now in trouble again but only because I wouldn’t let her talk to you. She cut in and talked to you in our last email, and that was enough. This is my newsletter.
Well, actually it’s hers, but she lets me run it, and I don’t choose to let her talk to you right now. Am I afraid of what she’ll say?
Maybe? Since I don’t know what she wanted to say, I don’t know for sure if I should be quaking in my boots or if that was a truck driving past that shook the floor. Either is likely at this point since her apartment is close to a truck route.
But I digress. I popped into your inbox today to give you and update and to thank you, so let me get to that before Melinda takes over. *Cue ominous music.*
First off, let’s start with the thank yous! We had enough drama in this newsletter already.
Thank you so so much. Because of you, our Kicksatrter is fully funded! That means the project is a go! We will have hardcover omnibuses!
They won’t be as fancy as we hoped, but maybe we can do a future Kickstarter to fund a print run for all the fancy stuff like sprayed edges or faux leather or color images.
Since the project is funded, there’s no risk to back it now. You’ll definitely get your books plus the extra ones that are unlocked as the funding total rises. So it’s a win-win situation now.
But hurry! The project ends in 4 days on Oct. 14 at 10:56 AM Eastern Time (New York time).
Thank you so so much for helping us reach our other goal!
You are truly amazing and I’m grateful you’re a fan and subscriber. Thank you so much!
At the end of July, we set off an ambitious quest and invited you to come with us. What was that adventure?
Help us give away 3650 copies of Curse Breaker Enchanted
(This book →)
We asked you to help us give away 3650 copies of Curse Breaker Enchanted by Feb. 22, 2024. That’s 1 copy for every day since we lost our first fan 10 years ago.
And you said yes, I’ll come on this adventure! I’ll help you achieve this.
To date, we’ve given away 2665 copies! That’s 73% of our goal!
We just need to giveaway 985 more copies by Feb. 22, 2024. And I know we can reach that together.
Please keep sharing our books and talking about them on social media! It’s working.
Just a quick reminder, if Enchanted isn’t free on your Amazon store. Just head over to BookFunnel and download it there.
We’ve argued with that store for months but they will not make it free for all countries. They keep saying things like ‘they reserve the right to price match at their discretion…’ and then they deny our request.
It’s the same situation for His Angelic Keeper #1. We have links to download both books from Bookfunnel on our website for that reason.
I honestly don’t know what else to do to get both books free on all Amazon stores. I even thought about asking Papa to cast on spell on them to make them price match it. But then I remembered that his magic doesn’t work like, and he can’t make anyone do anything.
Correction. He can make me not do things by picking me up and keeping me away from whatever thing he doesn’t want me to do. But I don’t think that would work for Amazon. But it’s something to think about.
And now for some book updates!
No update yet on the contest we entered Rogue Gods: Gateway to Hell. But Melinda is holding that book hostage to ensure the good behavior of the characters in the sequel, and her evil plan seems to be working. The sequel, Rogue Gods: Summon the Gods is close to 50% written. 18 chapters are published on Patreon and Ream, and they haven’t fought her on anything yet.
I’m surprised I have no drama to report there. Will that continue? Or will I have some character drama to report on next week?
Only time will tell.
New Podcast Episodes & Videos
Listen on our podcast. Watch on YouTube:
Fantasy, Lore, & More: Half Sword ← we talk about the book by that name and the fighting style that gave the book its name. Christopher is a font of information about the 12th century, specifically in Eastern Europe. He gives us a tour of a medieval polish castle too!
Fantasy, Lore, & More: Curse Breaker Books 1-3 ← Melinda reads from Curse Breaker Enchanted and talks a bit about our Kickstarter campaign
New Releases, Sales, & Other Book Stuff
Marrow and Soul: A Supernatural Fantasy Adventure
In a world shaped by ancient relics of incredible power, a teenage thief has the opportunity to bring her parents back to life using the mystical Ghost Tablet. She just has to steal it first.
The Soul Forge: Dark Urban Fantasy Filled With Hope
A complete six book series packed with magic, heart, and kind badassery, wrapped up in two special edition hardback omnibuses
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