Stuff your kindle and add some bling to your bookshelf
Usually, we drop by on Mondays, but since we are part of the Stuff Your Kindle Fantasy Edition event, here we are, dropping by on a weekend, and I brought some free books for you!
You can download Curse Breaker Enchanted and His Angelic Keeper #1 for free today. Unfortunately, Amazon would not make either book for free in every store for every country, so please download your free copy from our store or the bookfunnel link on our site.
And now, onward to an update!
Thank you for taking our poll on Thursday. The results are in and with 80% voting for hardcovers. We’ll still have the fancy paperbacks, but we went back to the drawing board literally since we didn’t plan on having hardcover versions of each book in the Rogue Gods Trilogy.
But we had designs for an omnibus edition that is logistically impossible, so Melinda decided to keep the dust jacket as the same as the paperback book cover with the gold foiling on the text and the pretty celestial symbol on the back of the paperback versions.
For the cover of the actual hardcover book, which is called the case laminate (naked book cover), Melinda adapted the design for the omnibus cover. And the mockup looks pretty cool. What do you think?
We don’t have the final version for the third book yet. But we’ll have it by our next newsletter, and we should have some idea about when the Kickstarter will run by then because we should know when the editing and formatting will finish or at least have an estimate about when we get those files back.
The symbols that appear on the cover are also inside the books, but they aren’t foiled inside the book. They are black and white in there.
The interiors pages for both the paperback and the hardcover editions are identical. The ebooks have the same images too in the fully formatted pdf version, but we’ll also send a plain ebook file.
So that’s where are with the Rogue Gods Trilogy. It’s fully written with 4 epiloges and footnotes.
Now, you’re probably wondering, what’s next for your favorite heroes? And I’m here to tell you that!
So what is next?
Well, I am Ran, Sarn’s son from the Curse Breaker series, and if you’ve been around for a while, then you know my M.O. (If you’re new here, hi! My MO is pretty simple. I want all the page time! How I achieve that goal changes depending on the situation.)
So what’s my plan this time?
Oh it’s a sneaky one! And I think you’ll like it. Okay, okay. I’ll tell you what I did, but don’t tell Melinda it was my idea. She thinks she came up with this all on her own. But you know the truth.
What is this great idea? I’m so glad you asked that.
There are tiers (yes plural) and add-ons for two books are next on the almighty, To Be Written List (AKA our editorial calendar). Since Melinda is done writing the Rogue Gods Trilogy finally, she must start the next book on the list.
What are the next books on the list?
Well, it should be the next Curse Breaker book, Chasing Dragons since it’s over halfway done and it takes care of one of the plotlines that didn’t fit in Storm the Gates, book 3 of the Rogue Gods Trilogy.
But Melinda started working on Rogue Gift, Robin’s 5th book because she’s wanted to get that story told for 5 years, and she finally has all the characters in position to do that story. Plus, it follows two characters who break away from the Rogue Gods Trilogy’s main plotline at the end of the second book.
So you see the problem. And I think I found an ingenious way to solve it. If you add on Chasing Dragons or Rogue Gift, then that’s essential a vote for one book or the other. And Melinda won’t want to disappoint fans, so she’ll work extra hard on the winning book to get it out to you sooner.
You get more books, and I’ll get lots of page time. It’s a win for everyone!
So that’s my plan. Don’t forget to follow the Kickstarter, so you can vote for the next book! See you next week.
New Podcast Episodes & Videos
Listen to our podcast in your player of choice. Or Watch it on YouTube.
There’s no new podcast this week since the author cancelled and Melinda had a family event over the weekend. But the podcast will return next week. There are no scheduling conflicts then! You can still listen to past episodes, and I hope you enjoy them.
New Releases, Sales, & Other Book Stuff
Are you ready for it? The Stuff Your Kindle Fantasy Edition has over 300+ no-cost Fantasy & Sci-fi books for you to enjoy.
We’ve got a great spread of genres from Fantasy, Fantasy Romance, Science Fiction, Sci-fi Romance, Urban Fantasy, and Paranormal Romance. Check them all out here:
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