Excerpts, imPerfect Magic, and that dragon tries to take over
There's a lot of drama in this week's newsletter!
Last week, and the week before, we helped you get all caught up on the Curse Breaker series so we can continue our launch festivities for the newest book in the series!
What book is that?
What will happen to me, your lovable narrator now that Nolo finally knows I exist? Shards For His Gift answers that question.
How did he find out about me? You’ll have to read Curse Breaker Revealed for that. But it all started when I and my furry friend went in search of dragons.
Did we find them? That’s in Curse Breaker Revealed too.
Why did we go looking for dragons in the first place?
Well, I am the son of a mage. What am I supposed to do when he’s busy magicking without me?
Sit around and wait for him to come back? That’s not really my style.
And you may have guessed by now that I’m Ran, Sarn’s son, sidekick and chief troublemaker.
Wait a minute. Who added that? I don’t cause trouble.
Who’s putting words in my email? Is it that dragon?
I’ll bet it is. She’s probably mad that I told you about how we make boxed sets in my last email. I’m watching you, dragon. You’d better not mess with my newsletter.
There. That set her straight. I’ll bet she’ll leave this email alone from now on.
Where was I?
Oh yes. I was talking about Shards For His Gift.
Before I talk some more about it and get to our excerpt for today, I need to tell you about the new episodes for our podcast series!
New Podcast Episodes & Videos
Fantasy, Lore, and More: Aether Bound
Fantasy, Lore, and More: Cathars & imPerfect Magic
Fantasy, Lore, and More: The Beauty of Dawn
Listen on our podcast. Watch on YouTube.
Okay, and now back to my rant. :)
Did I learn my lesson at the end of Curse Breaker Revealed? You’ll find out that too in Shards For His Gift along with other things I won’t spoil for you.
And now it’s time to dive back into our except. I got carried away in the last email and never got to it, so I’m making sure we get to it this week.
Shards For His Gift
By Melinda Kucsera
Knock, Knock (Part 2)
“Will you open it and see what’s inside?” Nerule held the box out. He was much taller than Ran, but that made sense since Nerule was like double his age or something.
“Yes! But it’s a pretty package, so I must be careful.” Ran hurried to the couch and left the apartment door open.
Nerule closed it, then followed him. “Do you want help with that?”
“Sure.” Ran plopped onto the couch. It was nice living in a place with furniture to sit on, and it had windows too that overlooked the meadow spreading from the rocky feet of Mount Eredren. Their previous two homes, a damp cave in the Lower Quarters, and Nulthir’s cramped apartment didn’t have much furniture. Nulthir’s flat had windows, but not as many as Inari’s and Nolo’s flat.
Light shined in through the kitchen window and spotlit a napkin-covered plate. A pitcher of tea stood next to it, but Ran wasn’t hungry, not when he had a mystery on his hands. Another couch faced this one, but no one sat there now. A blanket covered the place where Papa bled through the red-stained gauze wrapped around his waist. Was that only three days ago? It felt like more time passed.
“A bad person stabbed him twice,” Uncle Miren said the other day.
But Ran wasn’t supposed to know that since he’d listened in when his uncle explained what happened to Nolo and Inari. Then Papa was unconscious and couldn’t explain anything, so that task fell to his brother. Papa’s in big trouble because of me. Ran stared at the box on his lap as other things he’d overheard since coming here rattled around in his mind and heart.
“I wish I’d known about the boy sooner. I’d have found him a good home,” Nolo said, just last night, but Inari stayed silent.
Ran blinked when tears blurred the present sitting on his lap. It was taller and wider than his two hands, side by side. “I don’t deserve this gift.” Ran set it on the low table between the couches.
Nerule sat opposite him and leaned forward. “Why not? You’ve only been here a few days, but you were very good during that time.”
“Not good enough.” Ran hugged himself as tears slid down his cheeks. Worry wrapped hot hands around him and squeezed. What if Papa didn’t get better? “If I was better, then Papa wouldn’t be hurt right now.”
“That’s not true. Those people were bad. They would have come after your father at another time.” Uncle Miren opened the door on the other side of the living room. “You were just in the wrong place at the wrong time, and they took advantage of that, but it wasn’t your fault.”
“Do you really think so?” Ran rubbed his eyes as Uncle Miren sat next to him.
“Yes, I do. You’re the best little boy in the world.” Uncle Miren put an arm around his shoulders and gathered him in for a hug.
Ran leaned into his brave uncle. “What about Papa? Will he—” Ran broke off unable to say the word, but he must know, even if the answer scared him.
“No, your father’s a fighter. He’ll get better. It just might take a while since we don’t know how much healing that ghost could do through the Ranger’s medic.” But it didn’t sound like Uncle Miren believed what he was saying. Nor did he smile. He wore the same serious expression as always, just minus the furrow in his brow because he wasn’t doing schoolwork right now. But he regarded Ran steadily with his warm brown eyes, and that dared him to hope his uncle was right.
It was kind of far-fetched, though. Ghosts didn’t usually possess people and use their bodies to heal other people. But the ghost man wouldn’t have done that if Auntie Sovvan didn’t make a deal with him. “I hope Auntie Sovvan’s okay.” After all, she took the ghost with her when she left.
“She’s fine.” Uncle Miren squeezed him tight.
“How do you know that?” Ran leaned into him.
“She can walk through walls. Trust me. She’s fine.” Uncle Miren rested his chin on his head, and he was probably right. Auntie Sovvan was a tough lady, but she always seemed a bit lost.
“Don’t take this the wrong way, but is your aunt an angel? I’m only asking because she had wings and a halo, and only angels have that.” Nerule held both hands up in surrender. Oh right, he saw her because the healing and making a deal thing happened in this apartment, while Papa lay right where Nerule sat.
Ran blinked to clear his sight. “Yes, she is. It’s a long story how she got that way, but I ‘member enough to tell you if you want, just not now.” Ran wiped his eyes on his sleeve and felt a bit lighter since he let the sadness out. Papa always said it was a good idea to do that. Bottling things up just made you feel worse, or so he said, and he was always right. Ran glanced at the door to the room where Papa rested.
“What’s this?” Uncle Miren picked the gift up off the table and studied it.
“It’s a present, and Nerule says it’s for me. But it doesn’t say who it’s from.” Ran no longer felt like opening it. He stared at the door he left partially a jar. Was Papa really healing like Uncle Miren said?
To be continued in Shards For His Gift. Get your copy now.
—Ran, son of Sarn, writing on behalf of my Scribe, Melinda Kucsera
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